Blog - Alien technology in use?
Alien technology in use?
After writing about my dream I returned to to catch up with the "drone" news that I had been following, to find out that there has been some really unexpected development!
To sum up, the so-called "drones" are really strange-looking machines that have been spotted floating in the air, especially in the last few months in California. There have been many reports by different people, including many with photos. Check these: Lake Tahoe, Capitola. There are also reports about them as far back at the mid-90's or late 80's too.These look pretty freaky, but people came to believe that they're some things made by the army or government for some kind of test or surveillance, not some kind of alien presence. They're said to move slowly and be pretty much completely silent, and the purpose is unknown.
Things got a bit weirder with this report from Big Basin, where the photographer claimed that the strange object appeared and disappeared in an instant. A strange thing flying around is one thing, but disappearing!?
And then, at the end of June, came brand new information about the origin of these things. A person calling himself Isaac put up this page where he tells about his experience working at research on extraterrestrial modules (actual things picked up from actual UFO's) for the U.S. Department of Defense in the mid-80's, in an attempt to try to patent and commercialize the technology. The project was called CARET: "Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology".
What this has to do with the above drones is that those appear to be using the exact same technology! There's some anti-gravity stuff in there, but also cloaking technology (allowing things to be invisible), and even more interesting is some sort of alphabet-like code that's more than just some writing in a strange language, just like what can be seen on the drones.
This "language", as he calls it (with the quotes), refers to something pretty hard to imagine, but it can be compared to a computer programming language, only that it doesn't need a computer or to be compiled or interpreted. If it's written the right way on the right material, it just "does" what it's meant to. It's like if you'd write a program on a piece of paper and put it on a table, and it just executes by itself..!
At this point you could say that he's making all of that up, but first make sure to have a look at the photos and scanned documents! (The scans can be seen all at once here at Earthfiles, but they're worth reading at a larger size on Isaac's site.)
If all of the above is true, it's big!
Posted on July 4, 2007 at 22:00 | Tweet
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Posted by digiki on July 4, 2007 at 23:39
WoW!! Can it be true? How can I get a job at Caret?
Posted by Roy on July 5, 2007 at 00:25
I believe UFO DISCOVERY!!! would be a clever reaction to this :P
I read the letter on his site and it's worth a read atleast for it's litterary value.
If one should pose this as true, then suggestedly this language doesn't look like human language (Predator symbols meet katakana?) because a human fabricated it but because it was designed by aliens finding symbols to be useful just like we do (and also not because it's the syntax of the code language of the universe (or ala The Matrix computer simulation)).
Meaning that they designed the materials that are to be inscribed with these functional symbols in such a way that it is the material that determines how the symbols should look and then is capable of interpreting them according to that definition.. or rather, their own construct. ...duh
but I'm interpreting.. he didn't really elaborate on it with these implications now did he :9 (why didn't he?)
too bad it all looks like mainstream-design-trend-conscious spare parts for a gundam or it'd be easier to not disbelieve..
especially since his letter seems like how it would've been written if it were the real thing.
well I guess he wouldn't mention this since he's supposedly old and might not have noticed it's similarity to anything like sertain scifi esthetics trends.
and in a way if we told someone from the 30ies that today functional computer code language is almost like writing in english it might be disbelieved at first thought..
the only thing left then is to put modern script syntax in fancy fonts and page layout omgz! x¨)
it sucks that he said it'll probably take quite some while before he changes his mind about not submitting any more info.
Posted by nim on July 5, 2007 at 06:59
Those "PACL Linguistic Analysis Primer" scans are beautiful.
Posted by ale/pepino on July 5, 2007 at 10:15
I don't like the look of that photo you used. (not to blame Patrick! just as a review) Something genuine shot through an actual lens would match optic quality of the tree. On the site the images look believable in photocopied form because of course they are so degraded. But the sharp photos are unquestionably raytraced 3D. Absolutely not photographed with a camera.
The designs are nice but the execution shows numerous hallmarks of commercial design software commonly available since the early 90s including the typsetting of both the diagrams and body text.
What I'm saying is the typesetting doesn't look like the period the originals are claimed to be stolen from. The slip ups of every era change with the technology.
And even more so the various third party raytracing renderer addons to Lightwave, Max, Maya etc.
If there was actual proof these documents dated back to the 80s I'd be in awe of the design, but the alien diagrams owe too much to Star Trek Klingon graphics and the Designers Republic (British early 90s studio that did amongst other things the Orb notYMO remix artwork).
Posted by ndkent on July 8, 2007 at 09:04
then who'd want a mechanic material that functions out of itself that was so elaborated in it's operation that it took surface enscriptions as directives, surface enscriptions that have to be so precise that you'd need them to be printed on there anyway..
if you need a machine to do that, then why wouldn't you just program the material to do it in the first place?
and then if the material is totally solid of the same stuff throughout and the smallest shard of it contains the whole program, then where do things like the working memory of it go? well, he might've just not elaborated on that.
if it's all the same material and the whole device is one piece (as he said) then how the heck can shape matter? :)
if the shape really matters then it feels like the shape is more the freak result of the program and not other way around and would probably look very sporadic.
not like a scifi-gadget that esthetically makes alot of modern scifi design trend sense.
Posted by nim on July 8, 2007 at 09:51
Thanks a lot for the comments, all! I'm still mystified by all of this and waiting for more developments, whether it's real or not. :)
Good arguments Nick! There's been a lot of debunking along those lines at the forum below. They're just waiting for someone who can come up with a proof of whether the fonts or software used in the documents existed or not in the mid-80's.
Posted by Patrick on July 8, 2007 at 12:02
I would think you would have to figure out what font first. I think its made up of several different style fonts. Look on this page. The name is radi I found some fonts that are close but there are a lot of fonts. Free and otherwise not to go through...
Posted by radi on July 12, 2007 at 01:58
I couldn't see that forum without creating an account.
I'm not sure if you're talking about the alien type, but I meant the font used for the text in the documents.
Posted by Patrick on July 27, 2007 at 18:51