
Blog - Coffee not Fresh

Food Coffee not Fresh

Beware of "Coffee Fresh", a non-expiring milk-looking substance that's meant to be put in your coffee. Those are handed out at McDonald's and most other fast food chains, and also in all types of cafés, and also found nearby coffee machines in offices and such.

While it may be some sort of placebo that makes you think it substitutes real milk, the reality couldn't be further. The ingredients of Coffee Fresh are along these lines: vegetable oil + water + artificial coloring... Mainly it only exists because it's cheaper and people don't know better.

Since hearing that recently, I had switched to having my coffee black at work. Now I'm trying out Creap which, despite its unappealing name (I think a clumsy contraction of "creaming powder"), is at least made from the real stuff, though I'm not yet convinced of the taste.

Posted on October 12, 2006 at 19:45 | Tweet |

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We've had something similar in this country for the last decade, called 'CoffeeMate'.
Repulsive filth. Also, it gives you terrible indigestion, probably because it's not made from ingredients found in the known universe.

Posted by Mikeachim on October 23, 2006 at 02:40

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