Blog - Dr. NakaMats' floppy disk
Dr. NakaMats' floppy disk
I just found out that Japan's wacky inventor Dr. NakaMats (aka Nakamatsu Yoshirō), who I thought only ever invented crazy stuff, is the inventor of the floppy disk!
Well, I hate floppies for being slow and ending up corrupted sooner or later, and don't even have a floppy drive in my current computer at home (it had one but I removed it to fit an extra hard drive), but I certainly used hundreds (if not thousands) of the things ever since we had our first computer with a floppy drive at home in the early 80's.
I'm a bit tempted to buy an autographed 5¼ floppy from his online shop!
Update (2004/7/19 09:25):
Taro writes about how Dr. NakaMats's claim to have invented the floppy is false (ABC News story). Too bad, Dr. NakaMats falls back to the rank of crazy inventor, but now I just saved ¥1000! :)
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Sorry, You and many others really got suckered on that one.
Dr. NakaMats filed a floppy disk patent claim in JAPAN only because IBM Japan farked up and forgot. Both IBM and Dictaphone companies had floppy-like disks years before the good Dr. As part of the patent settlement, IBM had to pay off old NakaMats just 1M yen and agree to never publically contradict Dr Fraud's claim (since Dr. NakaMats' ONLY real money maker is selling fraudulant "creativity" self-help kits).
Posted by taro on July 19, 2004 at 04:40
Read my post here about the-rest-of-the-story here:
Posted by taro on July 19, 2004 at 05:23
Thanks for posting! Very interesting!
I guess I won't be buying his signed floppy then. :)
Posted by Patrick on July 19, 2004 at 09:24
Thanks for the info on the floppy i found it useful for my assignment, better than all those crappy, boring sites.
Posted by Lirael on August 13, 2004 at 13:52
Hmm...if he's such a fraud, why did IBM buy 16 patents from him all together? Did IBM "forget" to patent even more?
Posted by Avenger on April 19, 2005 at 00:49
Apparently so.
Posted by Patrick on April 19, 2005 at 11:08