
Blog - Cabane à sucre

Travel Cabane à sucre

Maple sap bucketYesterday we went to eat lunch at a cabane à sucre ("sugar shack"/"sap house", a place where they make maple syrup and where you can eat the freshest stuff) with the family. It had been years since I had been there. The place we went to is in Saint-Alexis (in Lanaudière) and called Osias.
We were greeted by enthusiastic staff who were honored to have a Japanese visitor (not too common in the area)!

We enjoyed a great traditional Québec big meal containing (but not limited to) oreilles de crisse, pea soup, omelet, pork in maple syrup, beans, sausage in maple syrup, roasted and boiled potatoes, sugar pie and crêpes with maple syrup. All of this served in "all you can eat" fashion at the pace you want, and only $13 per person. Now that's a deal!

Here are a few more pictures of the process to make maple syrup. The place we went to does it the traditional way, hanging buckets to the trees (nowadays many places use some tubing system between the trees which collects and brings back maple sap), then people go to fetch the sap and put it in a large tank pulled by a tractor through the snow-wet trails, and last the sap is boiled and transformed into the sweet and tasty syrup that we love!

Maple trees with bucketsBringing maple back to the sap houseBoiling sap to make maple syrup
Click the thumbnails for larger images.

Posted on April 9, 2004 at 11:14 | Tweet |


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I've been to those sap house, one in Ontario. I guess I'll miss that one since I'm going there in May. oh well, I still will have fun for sure! dunno what I'm gonna do there, any suggestion? will be there for only few days though. :)

Posted by Atsuko on April 10, 2004 at 08:01

i just got hungry ... darn ...

though sausage in syrup does not tickle my taste buds too much :)

13$ CND ... killer price

Posted by Peter on April 13, 2004 at 02:57

Gotta taste it to get it. :)

Posted by Patrick on April 14, 2004 at 20:10

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