
about this site

These web pages make extensive use of tables and to get the full effect you should be using recent versions of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The server for this site is located in Australia. If you find that it is a little on the slow side, that's probably the reason! Tools used in the creation of these web pages include: Microsoft Notepad, Cool Edit 96, Paint Shop Pro 4.1, Microsoft GIF Animator, and Microsoft Visual Basic.

audio samples

The samples on this site are in MPEG2 format. All samples are approximately 30 seconds long and are around 130K in size. There are a number of freeware or shareware MPEG audio players available on the net. One of the best is the ActiveMovie control from Microsoft for Windows 95. This control plays a number of different sound and video formats. For other MPEG players check out the MPEG directory on Yahoo.

thank you

Many thanks to Ed Valdez for his help with translating song titles and artists names and for encouraging me to set up this site. Thanks also to Ohkura-San, Jose Cabezas, Mark Wasiel and all the members of the P5 Mailing list who have posted information about P5 solo releases. Thanks!!

This site has not been updated since 1998. There are a lot more sources for this sort of information now than there were back then such as Amazon, HMV & Tower not to mention the very thorough Konishi Discography created by Ted Mills and maintained by Patrick Benny.

I owe many thanks to Patrick for suggesting and agreeing to host this site on his server as a historical record. Thanks Patrick!
