
Blog - Movable Type NewEntryTemplate plugin

Technology Movable Type NewEntryTemplate plugin

This is a Movable Type plugin that allows setting global or per-blog default content for these entry text fields: "Subject", "Entry Body", "Extended Entry", "Excerpt", "Keywords" and "Tags" (this last one in MT 3.3+ only).

If you find yourself always typing or cut & pasting the same stuff, this is your solution.

NewEntryTemplate plugin


NewEntryTemplate plugin version 1.4
Tested with Movable Type 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3 (may work with earlier versions) (3K)

Movable Type 3.2 (or earlier) users must download the plugin BigPAPI version 1.04 and put it in the NewEntryTemplate folder. (3K)

Installation and setup

  1. Place the NewEntryTemplate folder inside of your Movable Type installation's plugins folder (typically /cgi-bin/mt/plugins/)
  2. Go to the Plugins menu in System Overview, or to the Plugins tab within a specific blog's Settings menu
  3. Click "Settings: Show Settings" to the right of the "New Entry Template" plugin
  4. Fill-in any of the fields "Subject", "Entry Body", "Extended Entry", "Excerpt", "Keywords" and "Tags"
  5. Click the "Save Changes" button

Next time you create an entry, the text you provided will appear as default.

Version history

Suggestions and comments

Suggestions and patches to improve this plugin are welcome.

Update notifications

To be notified of the latest updates to this plugin and other great plugins, please install MT Plugin Network.

Posted on July 3, 2006 at 20:14 | Tweet |


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