- FUNCTION Mode . . . . Applying Effects
The FUNCTION mode permits tuning, pitch bend, modulation, and application of other effects while playing, as well as voice data load/save operations.
Press the FUNCTION key to enter the FUNCTION mode. Setting controller range parameters, etc., is carried out using the DATA ENTRY controls.
- Function parameters are memorized and maintained even when power to the DX is cut off. Unlike voice data, however, function parameters cannot be saved in internal or external memory.


MASTER TUNE adjusts the overall tuning of the DX7 to match its pitch with other instruments. Pitch is variable over a 150 cent range. Press MASTER TUNE and then use the liner DATA ENTRY control for tuning.

Determines whether the DX7 will function in the polyphonic or monophonic mode. Press the DATAENTRY -1 key for polyphonic operation, and the +1 key for monopronic operation.
- The range of the portamento effect is different in the polyphonic and monophonic modes. Refer to the PORTAMENTO section below.

Two keys are used to determine the effect of the PITCH BEND thumbwheel.
The range of pitch can be set from 0 to 12. 0 range is equivalent to no pitch bend. A setting of 12 permits pitch to bend over a ±1200 cent (1 octave) range. If the range is set at 7, then pitch bend will be possible over a ±700 cent range (i.e. plus or minus one fifth).
The step parameter can be set from 0 to 12. A setting of 0 corresponds to 0-cent steps, and a setting of 12 corresponds to 1200-cent (1 octave) steps. If STEP is set to 0, then a perfectly smooth pitch bend will result. If STEP is set to 1, the pitch will bend in 100-cent (semitone) steps.
- Pitch bend will not function if RANGE is set to 0.


The portamento effect varies according to whether the DX7 is in the polyphonic or monophonic mode.
In this mode press the DATA ENTRY -1 key to activate "FINGERED PORTA." In this mode portamento is applied only to legato notes.
Press the DATA ENTRY +1 key to activate "FULL TIME PORTA." In this mode portamento is always applied.
Press the DATA ENTRY -1 key to activate "SUS-KEY P RETAIN." In this mode the pitch of keys released while sustain pedal is on or off notes that have a long sustain time does not change. However, portameto is effected between two subsequently pressed keys.
Press the DATA ENTRY +1 key to activate "SUS-KEY P FOLLOW." In this mode the pitch of a key released while the sustain pedal is held slides (portamento) to a previously pressed key. There is no change with continuously pressed keys.
The glissando function is turned either ON or OFF. When it is OFF a normal portamento effect is produced.
Adjusts the speed of the portamento/glissando effect from 0 to 99. A 0 setting results in no effect, while a setting of 99 produces the longest (slowest) portamento or glissando.
- The portamento/glissando effect can also be turned ON or OFF using an optionsl FC-4 or FC-5 foot pedal once the portamento/glissando function has been turned on using the front-panel controls.
Pressing the foot pedal turns the efefct ON. The effect is OFF when the foot pedal is released.
- An FC-5 or FC-5 foot pedal can also be connected for sustain pedal control. In the monophonic mode, a key pressed while another key is held will take prority, and the sustain effect will apply to the new key.
Releasing the pedal turns the sustain effect OFF.

This function makes it possible to recall a voice that was previously being edited or created.
If, for example, the PLAY mode is accidentally or purposely entered while editing, the voice that was being edited can be recalled with this function.
If the EDIT RECALL key is pressed, the display shows "EDIT RECALL?". Pressing the DATA ENTRY YES key then causes the "ARE YOU SURE?" display. Verify by pressing the YES key again, and the voice previously being edited will be restored.
- VOICE INIT (Voice Initialize)

This function sets up the basic voice data for creating new voices. Press the VOICE INIT key and the display panel will read "VOICE INIT?" Press the YES key and the DX7 will respond with "ARE YOU SURE?" Verify by pressing the YES key second time. This sets up the basic voice data and activates the DX7 EDIT mode.

Since the format of a RAM cartridge used for other purposes such as DX1 performance memories, etc., will vary from that of a cartridge used for voice memory, make sure you observe the following procedure when storing or saving DX7 internal voices into such a cartridge.
Press "11" to select this function. The "CARTRIDGE FORM?" display will appear. Press YES and the instrument will respond with "ARE YOU SURE?". Press YES again and all 32 memorybank in the RAM cartridge are initialized to the basic voice data.

A backup battery power supply is built into the DX7 so that voice data will be maintained even when power to the instrument is off. The state of the backup system can be checked by pressing the BATTERY CHECK key. The operational battery voltage range is from 2.2 volts tto 3 volts. If the backup battery voltage drops below 2.2 volts, replacement of the backup system is necessary. The backup system consists of special batteries which can be replaced only by a Yamaha dealer. Contact your nearest Yamaha dealer when replacement becomes necessary.

32 voices contained in the internal memory system can be saved on an external programmable memory cartridge.
32 of the voices contained in an external voice cartridge can be loaded into the internal memory at a time.
- Refer to the STORE/SAVE/LOAD section on page 19 for detailed instructions.

The modulation wheel, foot controller, breath controller or keyboard after touch can be used to control LFO modulation depth applied to pitch, amplitude or envelope producing controllable tremolo or vibrato effects while playing. Setting the RANGE, AMPLITUDE and ENVELOPE GENERATOR BIAS parameters for each controller is basically the same process, so we'll concentrate mainly on the MODULATION WHEEL.
Range can be set from 0 to 99. No effect is produced with a 0 setting, and a setting of 99 produces maximum effect.

Determines whether LFO modulation is applied to pitch. Pitch is modulated if ON, and not modulated if OFF.
Determines whether LFO modulationis applied to amplitude. Amplitude is modulated if ON, and not modulated if OFF.
When EG BIAS is ON, volume or brilliance (wow) variation effects can be added with the controllers by varying the level of each operator's envelope generator. MOD. SENSITIVITY (AMPLITUDE) is used to set the sensitivity (refer to page 14).
Applying EG BIAS to a modulator results in brilliance effects, while applied to a carrier it result in volume variation effects. In some cases, if the carrier sensitivity is maximum and the controller is set to its minimum, no sound will be produced.
- These parameters will have no effect if the PITCH MODULATION SENSITIVITY or the AMPLITUDE MODULATION SENSITIVITY of the voice used are zero.
Refer to the MODULATION SENSITIVITY section on page 14 for details.
The LFO modulation effect programmed can be controlled using an optional FC-3A foot controller.
Maximum effect is produced by pressing the foot controller all the way down, while raising the controller fully eliminates the effect.

The lfo modulation effect programmed can be controlled using an optional BC1 breath controller. The effect is controlled by blowing into the BC1 mouthpiece. The effect will not be audible unless breath is applied to the controller.

This feature makes it possible to vary the degree of modulation by varying pressure on the keys. No effect is produced with normal key pressure, but the effect can be introduced by pressing harder on the key(s). The amount of pressure applied determines the depth of the effect.